Like most Masonic Lodges, the history of Camp Floyd Historic Lodge No. 205 begins long before the date the charter was issued. During 2004, members of Wasatch Lodge No. 1, specifically Brother Michael Moon and Worshipful Master John C. Liley Jr., discussed conferring a Master Mason degree at Camp Floyd State Park, the home of the first Lodge chartered in Utah Territory, Rocky Mountain Lodge No. 205. Members approved, and Brother Moon made arrangements with Camp Floyd State Park personnel for use of the historic school building on the grounds. Preparation was made, a candidate located and on 22 May 2004, the first Master Mason Degree at Camp Floyd State Park was conferred by members of Wasatch Lodge No. 1. Participants dressed in period clothing and artifacts from the time period were used as Lodge furniture. Brother Carl A. Wager became the first Master Mason Raised on the grounds of Camp Floyd in nearly 143 years. Wasatch Lodge No. 1 continued with this new annual tradition through 2008. That year Right Worshipful Brother John C Liley Jr., Right Worshipful Brother Lloyd E. Davis, and Brother Michael Moon discussed the possibility of forming a new type of Lodge, an Historic Lodge. After some diligent research, it was discovered that the Grand Lodge of Montana already had chartered an Historic Lodge during 2000. Bannack Historic Lodge No. 3-7-77 was created and chartered to preserve the history of Freemasonry in Montana and the Masonic Lodge building in Bannack. This Montana Historic Lodge became the perfect template to be used for the creation of Utah's own Historic Lodge. During the One Hundred Thirty-Seventh Annual Communication (2009), legislation drafted by Right Worshipful Brother Robert Chapman, DGM, along with others, was proposed to allow for the creation of Historic Lodges in this jurisdiction. Chapter XIX, Historic Lodges, Sections 3-19-1 through 3-19-8 were approved and became part of the Grand Lodge Code. On May 23, 2009 with a gathering of over 50 Masons from Utah and other states across the nation and in celebration of the sesquicentennial anniversary of Rocky Mountain No. 205 U.D. Grand Master Loyd E Davis granted a dispensation to Camp Floyd Historic Lodge U.D. The following officers were appointed:
In the preparation for submission of the request for charter at the Grand Lodge communication on January 30, 2010, the officers conferred the necessary 3 Degrees for other Utah Lodges. The balance of 2009 was used by the officers of Camp Floyd Historic Lodge, U.D. in planning for the eventuality of being chartered. Discussions focused on obtaining the supplies consistent with Civil War era issue. Fortunately, many of the officers were extremely knowledgeable about the history of the era and Camp Floyd in particular. The most worshipful Grand Master, Lloyd E Davis, on May 23, 2010, opened in ample form at 5:25 PM an Occasional Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Utah, for the purpose of constituting Camp Floyd Historic Lodge Under Dispensation. The communication was held in the Camp Floyd Schoolhouse and was attended by the Grand Lodge officers. About 50 Master Masons were in attendance with special out-of-town guests: Most Worshipful Brother Rocky Weaver, Grand Master of Missouri; Most Worshipful Brother Michael A. Sutton, Past Grand Master of Idaho; and Right Worshipful Brother Gary Deck, Deputy Grand Master of New Mexico. The Most Worshipful Grand Master asked the Grand Secretary, Most Worshipful Brother Robert K McKenzie to read the Charter and then assembled and installed the following appointed officers of Camp Floyd Historic Lodge Under Dispensation;
My sincere gratitude to Most Worshipful Brother Loyd E. Davis, Most Worshipful Brother John C Liley Jr., Worshipful Brother William Hall and Worshipful Brother Michael Moon for taking time to tell me about their involvement with the formation of Camp Floyd Historic Lodge No. 205. They also shared photographs that are used throughout this website. - George F. Winters, Historian